Prayer For a Wonderful Day 27/11/2018

Welcome to the prayer for a wonderful day please continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself
speak it daily and allow the Word of God to reach deep into your spirit let us.
Pray Heavenly Father we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus where two or more are gathered there you'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon is touching you will surely do. The Bible says that if there's any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying. Therefore we release any anger, bad feelings resentment or any other wrong attitude before you now, we laid at your feet and we release and forgive those who have wronged us.

Father in Jesus name there is no distance in the spirit and we thank you for the reader who desires a prayer for a good day thank you for this day o God we praise You! this is the day you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! thank you for the readers family and friends, we lift them up to you and call them blessed if any do not know you we remove the blindfolds from their eyes in Jesus name and ask that laborers cross their paths with the gospel in Jesus name thank you Lord for revealing yourself to them we praise you help the reader to establish priorities today Oh father we thank you that your grace is sufficient for every situation they may face where the reader is weak you are strong we decree and declare that the reader is living purposefully today you have given us all a seven-day week help the reader to make the most of the time buying up each opportunity help them to plan their day and stay focused on their tasks help them to renew you their  mind God by your word we bind and cast down all thoughts that oppose the truth of God help the readers now to loose those bad thoughts emotions and  impulses and to hold fast to the thoughts that are Christ centered in Jesus name we clear the reader mind of every distraction and bad stronghold in the name of Jesus right now fresh and new, help the readers to offer their body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to you  consider this a spiritual act of worship Lord it is not in the readers own strength that they live out this day but it is you all the while effectually at work in them you are energizing and creating in them power and desire both to will and to work for your good pleasure glory to God lord help the readers not to turn back when facing tough situations and fear you have not given them a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind remind them Lord today that they were bought with a price and made your very own we call you this day and know that you will deliver the reader and they shall honor and glorify you together we rejoice in this prayer because you delivered the reader and drew them to yourself out of the control and Dominion of darkness and transfer them into the kingdom of the son of your love we confess and praise you O Lord with our whole heart and we will glorify your name forever more we lift up the gifts and talents you have given the readers help them to develop them praise your name help them to  make use of the gifts and talents according to the Grace and given them the reader will let their light so shine before men that they may see their moral excellence in their praiseworthy noble and good deeds and recognize honor and praise and glorify you father thank you that you are showing yourself strong on the readers behalf we call upon you Almighty God we ask you in this moment to give the reader strength knowledge wisdom and ability beyond human limits we declare that the reader operates supernaturally today by the power of your indwelling Spirit they will live today without standing accuracy and excellence thank you Father that your love never ends and your mercy never ever stops. Amen
