Daily Bible Coffee.God Is in Control. 22/08/2018.

 We all have things that we're believing for, a dream to come to pass or  helped to turn around to meet the right person, We been praying for a long time Standing on the promises, we don't see anything happening, but What you can't see is behind-the-scenes God is at work,  He not only only hard  you when you pray He took it one step further And put the miracle in the motion. The Psalmist said the moment you pray The tide of the battle begins to turn and Just because you don't see anything happening doesn't mean the answer is not the way.
The people that see promises fulfill, the people that see breakthroughs are people that Keep standing in faith. In first John it says this is the confidence we have in God If we ask anything According to his will We know that he hears us, you mind sometimes  will tell you It's not making a difference to pray  You're wasting your time Getting your hopes up Believing You'll get well you saw the  medical report you will never brake  the addiction that is so long don't believe those thoughts, the moment you prayed  The creator of the universe goes to work,  it  May not have been on your timetable  Or the way you thought but he is a faithful God and what he promised you he will bring to pass, David said each morning bring my request for for God and wait expectantly, he Didn't just pray and say okay I did my part he prayed and then waited with expectantly, He went through the day looking for God 's goodness believing her favour  talking like it was going to happen, Not I will  never defeat this giant Twice my size I don't have a chance, David had a  report of victory,  he looked at the giant  and said this day I would defeat you  and feed your head to the birds of the air, he  expected God 's favour he said surely goodness and mercy follows me everywhere that I go he was saying in effect I know that forces that are for me are greater than the forces that are against. What am I saying it is a  enough  to just pray You have to follow it up with expectancies Without knowing God not only heard  you because you prayed according to His will but that he dispatch the angel with the answer What God brings you It may not be exactly what you thought the way you thought but I can tell you firsthand what God hasn't Store will be bigger better for you. Don't put God in a box, You may not see how It can happen, the  Medical port is not good You have the finances the connection God has ways to do it that you've never thought David used a slingshot to defeat Goliath Didn't have the training The experience the equipment But a slingshot with the favor of God Is more powerful than a whole army without Him, God knows what you need and he knows how to get it to You, you don't have to figure out how to do it The Scripture says lean not to your own understanding,  You don't  to figure it out how GOD is going to do it  gonna for you.  You're going to see your healing your promotion your breakthrough your victory God is going to open doors no man can shut And take it to the fullness of your destiny.

God bless you all.
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