How to be true worshiper.

I have been singing and performing since I was 10 years old, and I can still remember going to my first music practice at my church. As a brand-new Christian, I was very excited about meeting Christian musicians and playing Christian music. I knew it was going to be just like heaven. When I arrived at the church, I noticed that even though the people were beautiful, when they started to play and sing, everyone became very serious. I tried not to laugh or enjoy myself too much so they wouldn't think I wasn't spiritual. Eventually, I became a "church singer." It took years for God to teach me to be myself. Don't let this be your story. You should never be ashamed of the things that make you unique. Just be available for God to use you. God created us as individuals—special and unique—to accomplish His purposes. When we worship Him, we can hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us because worship opens our hearts to receive. Jesus said, "True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks" (John 4:23, NIV). If you want to be a true worshipper, be yourself when you worship God. Darlene Zschech was the worship pastor of Hillsong Church in Sydney from 1996 to 2007. In addition to “Shout to the Lord,” Zschech has written more than 80 songs published by Hillsong Music Australia, including those on her latest album, Revealing Jesus. She and her husband, Mark, are now senior pastors of Hope Unlimited Church in New South Wales. CHARISMA.
